About Go Sustainable Energy
Our Company
Go Sustainable Energy is an energy consulting firm specializing in sustainable energy and energy efficiency. We do not sell products, perform engineering design, or conduct installations. We deliver accurate, unbiased information on energy efficiency and sustainable energy to our clients. Thus, Go Sustainable Energy is not financially tied to the installation of any products or the performance of any engineering design services. This allows our engineers to be true owner advocates, and to focus on investigating, measuring, and supporting our clients.

Meet Our Team
We have assembled a growing team of highly trained and well-credentialed engineers. Our engineers typically have interest and specialization in energy efficiency, renewable or clean energy technologies, distributed energy resources, or other sustainable energy topics such as energy policy or grid economics.
We provide an environment of continuous learning and opportunities to delve in projects that will advance an engineer’s understanding of a particular topic. We expect our engineers to develop expertise over time and contribute meaningfully to projects with their coworkers and our clients. All of our work is important and valued by our clients. We believe all work and no play can make for bored, disengaged engineers. That’s why we have Share Days, walking meetings, daily fun breaks, and occasional fun outings.
Columbus Headquarters
5701 N. High St.
Suite 112
Worthington, OH 43085
Dayton Office
130 W. 2nd St.
Suite 1850
Dayton, OH 45402
Cleveland Office
Address Pending