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Cuyahoga Falls Electric System Energy Efficiency Program
Cuyahoga Falls Electric System Energy Efficiency Program

The Need

Cuyahoga Falls Electric System (CFES) is a municipal distribution utility in northeast Ohio, serving more than 25,000 customers with an annual load over 400 GWh. In 2014, CFES engaged Go to help craft a more cost effective energy-efficiency program for its large commercial and industrial customers focused on specific customer needs. Since, we have worked together to evolve program offerings to meet the changing needs of customers and the CFES distribution system.

Our Approach

Go and CFES created a custom program that supports customers seeking to improve building energy performance. We drew from our experience interacting with and supporting other municipal and investor-owned utility efficiency programs. We also relied on our observations performing measurement and verification services and witnessing a wide variety of other efficiency projects being implemented to various degrees of success. On behalf of CFES, we engage and support applicants and their installation teams as they document their projects, ensuring energy reductions occur.

The Results

CFES customers have multiple simple and effective paths to apply for energy efficiency incentives ranging from equipment replacements to more complex projects. CFES and Go collaborate to ensure that program oversight and validation remain approachable while continuing to seek new offerings for customers or other opportunities to evolve programs in the ever changing energy ecosystem.

Our Role

Subject matter expert, program design, program cost/benefit analysis, technical evaluation, load management

The Client

Cuyahoga Falls Electric System




Charles Schreier, PE

Lianna Nordwig

Accurate, Unbiased Information  |  © Go Sustainable Energy, LLC                  

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