Uncovering the True Value of Solar: A Story of Ratemaking, Transmission Peak Pricing, and Misaligned Price Signals
Ohio commercial and industrial energy users are increasingly considering on-site solar as a way of hedging electrical energy costs and reaching sustainability goals. In this presentation, we make the case that in Ohio, it is a regulatory hurdle, rather than a technical hurdle, that prevents the adoption of solar.
3rd Party M&V is a Treasure Meant to Be Shared
Third-party M&V is common in utility efficiency programs and produces a significant quantity of insights and results related to both long-standing and emerging technologies. To accelerate decarbonization, this precious M&V data should be better shared throughout the efficiency community to help educate clients, and help programs optimize focus, or create new prescriptive measures.
A Transmission Critical Peak Pricing Pilot for Manufacturers in Ohio
As customers become more engaged and sophisticated in their approach to energy management, there is interest amongst policymakers and advocacy groups to better link the time-value of electricity with end users. This paper presents a case study of transmission peak pilot pricing in Ohio looking at both the utilities pilot pricing structure as well as how C&I customers participate and engage in the programs.
Condenser Water Optimization: Don’t Let Perfect Be the Enemy of Good!
Chilled water systems are complex, significant energy users in industrial and commercial facilities. For large water-cooled systems, we place special focus on improved condenser water set-point controls that can save 5-10% of system energy. While not always the optimum for energy savings, these strategies are significantly simpler to implement.
How Much Focus Should Go Towards Optimizing Inherently Inefficient Compressed Air Systems vs Phasing Them Out?
A fully optimized compressed air system is only ~9% efficient and most industrial applications where compressed air is used can be met with alternate solutions. Efficiency programs focus significant resources into optimizing these systems, which is arguably a losing battle. This paper explores why elimination of compressed air systems should instead be the focus, potentially saving 9% of total U.S. industrial electricity usage. Should compressed air elimination become a focus as we aim to decarbonize society by 2050?
North of Scotland Energy Trends 2020
Energy policy in the United Kingdom has driven more large-scale renewable energy generators to come online and help secure reliability in the move towards electrification in the region. The paper observes past trends in energy demand and uptake in renewable energy generation within the transmission network of northern Scotland.
Using Past Energy Data to Make Smarter Future Design Decisions
Existing data from building automation and controls systems can and should be used more frequently by design engineers or equipment vendors when sizing equipment replacements or system expansions. We present six case studies to demonstrate the power and impact of using this available data.
The Boy in the Bubble: Abundant Caution Causing Excessive Waste in Hospitals
Hospitals are disproportionately high energy users, but tend to be very hesitant about implementing any energy efficiency measures that have a perceived impact to patient care or regulatory compliance. We examine the costs, benefits, barriers to implementation, and applicability of several real efficiency opportunities at large hospitals. We also discuss the culture at these facilities and how to best engage with stakeholders to achieve results.
The Un-tapped Potential of Existing Buildings in the Quest for Carbon Neutrality
With full societal decarbonization by 2050 in mind, we highlight the critical need to focus on existing buildings through a case study at the Ohio History Center. Over a decade, this site has reduced its energy use by around 50% and is now zero-energy ready based on its resulting energy use intensity!
Why Opting-Out is So Enticing – Stories from the Trenches in Ohio
Opting out of state or utility-scale efficiency programs can be enticing to large users in many states. Through case studies, we explore the pros and cons of opting out for customers, the impact to programs, and document why large customers choose to opt-out.